There are only a handful of global appliance manufacturers, but hundreds of brand names we’ve commonly heard, such as GE, Frigidaire, Maytag, Whirlpool and Kitchen-Aid. So how is this possible?

Simple - One manufacturer carries several brands. Think about this similarly as the auto industry. Toyota has nearly 20 sub brands for their fleet. Likely you might be able to name half of those, and that’s because you see the cars on the road and the name continues to make an impression on your subconscious. The more you see the car name, the more recognizable it becomes to you.

Go a step further - a Dodge Dart and Fiat Viaggio are the same car. The Dodge Dart is well-known in the North American market, while Fiat has more stronghold in Europe and China. The majority of it’s mechanical parts are the same, similar engine.

All the products from one manufacturer can be made in the same factory, built by the same employees, and with the same specifications and certifications as other well-known brands. Typically, the only difference between one brand and the other is the price-point. The bigger the brand name in the market, the bigger the price-point.

VPS leverages these global manufacturers to create our house brand, FLECHA™.

Our appliances are safety-certified, ENERGY STAR rated, and rated for use in Canada at a very minimum.

This is why our service technicians are authorized to work on our brand and similar brands. The OEM parts we carry to service appliances are also direct from the original manufacturer, and do not void the warranty inclusions.